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Deck Garden September 3, 2016

Well, I was going to show you pictures from my Deck Garden, but again, I cannot upload the pictures that this time were taken with my cell phone!  So, what’s the deal WordPress?  I never had this problem in the number of years I have been with WordPress.  This is aggravating!





My begonia plant is at least six feet tall, nicely rounded and full of flowers! Two of my tomato plants are approximately eight feet tall and still producing flowers.  As you can see I have two tomato cages taped together because of the height of the tomato plants.  Lots of tomatoes and peppers this year!  Hopefully I can post the pictures I took along the way in the near future!  Enjoy.

Deck Gardening 2016

This year I grew potatoes in a pot on my deck; as you will see from these pictures it is very easy to grow potatoes in a pot and big ones!  My tomatoes this year are large, tasty, and abundant!  Even my peppers are abundant and large.  I am still waiting for my sweet mini peppers but the plants are finally at a large height.  My regular green peppers are still producing peppers!  Enjoy these pictures!



I want to call attention to all Police Officers and other individuals, especially in Falmouth, who automatically assume that all vehicles are automatic and have automatic windows that roll down at a touch of a button. DO NOT ASSUME that a car has the capability of pushing a button to roll down a window. I drive […]

via Attention not all Vehicles are Automatic! — Tick Tock and Poof (Life)

It is surprising how a few days of heat and a bit of rain will make your garden flourish!  I have been eating cucumbers on a daily basis and one of my green peppers is almost ready to pick.  The second planting of lettuce is coming up nicely and I have tomatoes galore growing.  My flowers are all in bloom and my patio deck gardenia is still providing me with one beautiful flower at a time.

I have added a new indoor plant to my collection.  I don’t know the name of this plant but it looks like rope from a distance and is very long.  It is some type of cactus and is unusual.  I have added some pictures of this new plant.

Enjoy these pictures!
















It has been a good month now since I have been trying to find an answer to why I cannot upload pictures and insert them into my blog. I have tried all the answers listed such as are you using the right internet connection, to the so-called “forums”. I am really disappointed with Word Press […]

via WordPress Disappointment — Tick Tock and Poof (Life)

It has been a good month now since I have been trying to find an answer to why I cannot upload pictures and insert them into my blog. I have tried all the answers listed such as are you using the right internet connection, to the so-called “forums”. I am really disappointed with Word Press […]

via WordPress Disappointment — Tick Tock and Poof (Life)

I want to call attention to all Police Officers and other individuals, especially in Falmouth, who automatically assume that all vehicles are automatic and have automatic windows that roll down at a touch of a button.  DO NOT ASSUME that a car has the capability of pushing a button to roll down a window.  I drive a standard vehicle and twice now in the last month I have had two police officers assume that I could roll down my passenger window to talk to them.  Let it be known, that in order for me to roll down the passenger window, I have to shut my car off so that I can take off my seat belt so that I can lean over so that I can manually roll down my window so that you can talk to me, instead of you walking over to the driver’s side of the vehicle to talk to me.  When I motion you to come over to my side it is for a valid reason.  Please take notes!!!

My vehicle may not look like your typical manual vehicle and you may not think that a female can drive a manual vehicle but both are true.

So next time I motion to you to come to the driver’s side window, it is for a valid reason!  Don’t be so rude to me and take a few steps, and don’t be so lazy, over to the correct side of the vehicle for talking to the driver.  Because what I have to go through just to open that passenger window is also painful for me as a person who has disabilities!

It has been a good month now since I have been trying to find an answer to why I cannot upload pictures and insert them into my blog.  I have tried all the answers listed such as are you using the right internet connection, to the so-called “forums”.  I am really disappointed with Word Press for not offering an email address at the very least where I can explain what is not working and perhaps be given substantial answers; not a forum, which by the way I did post in the forum and still have no responses, nor well maybe you are using something wrong.  I have been a member of Word Press for a number of years now and this is the first time that I have not been able to upload my pictures to my garden blog.  Anyone who works or manages Word Press, I would really appreciate hearing from you soon.  Otherwise, I guess I might be switching to “WIX”.



I am disappointed with Word Press because they have not responded to my concerns regarding uploading my pictures to my blog.  I had taken pictures on July 10, 2016 and to date I still cannot upload these pictures in the blog that I had started.  Needless to say, I am trying again on another computer to see if it works on this computer; so new pictures taken today for you to enjoy!

Unfortunately, it is also not working on this computer so that tells me that it is Word Press who is having a problem. I would think that they would let us know if there is a problem!